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Chris O'Donnell, Managing Director UK Celebrates 25 Years’ Service

On Friday, 12th July 2024, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Chris O'Donnell, Managing Director UK.

Chris joined Air Logistics in 1999 when ALG was just 5 years old as Sales Manager and took up his current role as Managing Director UK in 2017. He guided the UK operation through the challenges of COVID to be one of the most successful operations within the Air Logistics Group.

"In Chris we are very lucky to have a thorough professional, dedicated to both his family at home and at work, caring about his employees, and ensuring he gets the best out of them," comments Stephen Dawkins, CEO, Air Logistics Group, "It has been my pleasure to work with Chris over these 25 years as an employee and friend. I have seen him marry, have children, and mature into the professional he is today. Even more so Chris is a gentlemen, I have only ever heard positive feedback from our Airline clients, Forwarders, and employees alike. Congratulations Chris!"